Actif il y a 2 ans et 3 mois
Do you know the TSA rules for traveling with liquid items ? According to the TSA the answer of how many fluid ounces can you take on a plane is : any « medically essential liquids, gels, and sprays in acceptable quantities for your travel » should be okay .
visit : https://www.travomonk.com/blog/how-many-ounces-can-you-take-on-a-plane/ Afficher
alicebeth a publié une note il y a 2 ans et 3 mois
Do you know the TSA rules for traveling with liquid items ? According to the TSA the answer of how many fluid ounces can you take on a plane is : any « medically essential liquids, gels, and sprays in acceptable quantities for your travel » should be okay .
visit : https://www.travomonk.com/blog/how-many-ounces-can-you-take-on-a-plane/ -
alicebeth s'est inscrit il y a 2 ans et 3 mois